Notre Histoire



A propos de nous

Imagine being in a new country and you could literally pause someone, their sentence would appear in the air and you could tap to translate any word, then go home to practice and review it in various ways again and again. Sounds crazy? But ideal?

This is the heartbeat of Latudio, a unique and innovative language buddy to overcome the challenges of listening comprehension. It’s the way we learned our first language - a lot of listening, then gradually building sentences.

Latudio’s approach also targets the inefficiencies of language learning where you have to look up words in videos and struggle to choose the right translation, and then figure out how to study the words and their sentence contexts again.

Perhaps also unique to Latudio is the way the business was founded. In the beginning, Mark and Vit, as meditation practitioners, patiently let the concept and design emerge organically as a result of conversations and observations with teachers and language learners.

Without any funding, a handful of friends donated their time to translate and do audio recordings for a Czech version. At first, the team was small. But, the potential attracted more contributors as progress was made on versions for Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German.

In a competitive market with a wide social media horizon for marketing, Latudio continues as it was founded, intentionally, organically, and gratefully for contributors who can invest the time to grow and build the company.

Notre philosophie

Dans notre philosophie d'entreprise, trois choses ont toujours été primordiales pour nous : (1) la vie des gens passe avant les programmes et les profits, (2) notre modèle de tarification sera sensible au statut socio-économique de chaque pays, et (3) nous maintiendrons une transparence totale avec toutes nos données financières.

Suivez-nous sur Linkedin et sur notre Blog pour savoir ce qui se passe dans notre entreprise.