Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “put on” and “take off”

One morning, Jenny put on her favorite jacket [ a enfilé son manteau préféré ]. It was a special day at school. Her class was putting on a play [ montait une pièce de théâtre ]. Jenny was nervous. She put on a brave face [ a mis un visage courageux ] and practiced her lines again.

At breakfast, her dad noticed he put on a few pounds [ avait pris quelques kilos ]. "I need to exercise more," he said. Jenny's mom smiled and put on a kettle [ commencer une bouilloire ] for tea. Jenny laughed and finished her toast.

During breakfast, Jenny's mom put on skin cream [ a mis de la crème pour la peau ]. "Protecting your skin is important,” she said. Jenny smiled and took off for school [ est partie pour l'école ].

At school, everyone was excited about the play. Later there was a storm. Then there was an announcement. Everyone had to go home. The storm was going to be serious. The play was taken off the schedule [ a été retirée du programme ]. Jenny was disappointed. She decided not to put on a sad face [ avoir un visage triste]. 

Jenny went home. At home, she took off her wet jacket [ a enlevé son manteau mouillé ] and shoes. Her mom asked. “Why aren’t you putting on your play [ jouer votre pièce ] ?” 

Jenny said, "Things can take off in unexpected ways [ se passer de manière inattendue ]. You can try again.” Jenny heard her Mom’s words. She felt better.

In the evening, Jenny's family watched a movie. Jenny's dad put on a comedy film [ a mis un film comique ]. Everyone enjoyed it and laughed a lot. During the movie, Jenny's mom took off her makeup [ s'est démaquillée ].

Jenny’s brother started to put on a show [ à monter un spectacle ]. Everyone laughed again. "Stop putting on an act [ faire semblant ]," Jenny said to him. He just grinned and continued.

Before going to bed, Jenny put on her pajamas [ a mis son pyjama ]. She thought about her day. She was sad about the play. But, she was also happy to be with her family.

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