Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “check in” and “check out”

Emily and her family went on a short vacation. It took 10 hours to fly there. They took a taxi from the airport to the hotel. Finally at the hotel, they checked in [ ils se sont enregistrés ]. The manager gave them the room key. When they left the hotel, they had to check in their key [ ils ont dû enregistrer leur clé ]. When they returned, they had to check it out [ la reprendre ].

Emily and her family unpacked their suitcases. Emily’s dad wanted to check out a museum [ visiter un musée ]. Everyone wanted to go there, too. 

At the museum, Emily liked all of the paintings. She saw an old map on the wall. "Check out this map [ Regarde cette carte ] of the city," she said to her brother. They both looked at it for a while.

Later, Emily remembered to check in with her grandparents [ à vérifier auprès de ses grands-parents ]. She called them and said, "We've just visited the museum. Now, we're going to see more sights!" Her grandparents were happy. They said, “Please check in [ S'il te plaît prends des nouvelles ] again tomorrow.”

Next, they visited a famous lookout point. "Check out the view [ Regardez la vue ] from here," her mother said. They enjoyed seeing all the buildings and parks. They took lots of photos.

For lunch, they found a small cafe. At the table, she checked out a guidebook [ elle a consulté un guide ]. "There's a beautiful park near us. Let’s check it out [ l’explorer ]," she said. The park was beautiful. It had lots of flowers and a lake. Later, they went back to the hotel. They checked in at the front desk [ se sont enregistrés à la réception ] again. There were messages for her Dad.

In the afternoon, Emily and her family went shopping. Emily checked out some shops [ a visité quelques magasins ]. She bought souvenirs for friends. Her brother checked out the sports shop [ Son frère est allé voir le magasin de sport ]. He bought a foughtball with a signature on it.

On their last day, they checked out of the hotel [ ils ont quitté l’hôtel ]. Before they left, Emily said, "I need to check out one last thing [ vérifier une dernière chose ]." She ran to a small bookstore. She checked out a book [ Elle a pris un livre ]. She bought it to read on the airplane.

At the airport, her family checked in for the flight [ famille s'est enregistrée pour le vol ]. She was ready to leave. "This city is amazing. I'm glad we checked it out [ que nous l'ayons visitée ]," she said. The family boarded the plane. Everyone fell asleep on the plane. Emily had a dream. In her dream, she checked out a city [ elle explorait une ville ] under the ocean.

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